Discover the latest beauty tips, rituals, and insights from around the world.

What are Ceramides and their Benefits for Skin
Ceramides are lipids naturally found in the human body. So, why do you need ceramide-based products? It is because, as you age, your body cannot replenish ceramides as quickly as it did when you we...
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The 5 Marvelous Matcha Green Tea Benefits for Skin
Love sipping on green tea for its myriad skincare benefits? If you do, you'll be amazed by this new green tea making waves for its health and skincare benefits in the West. And if you're not into g...
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The Skincare Benefits of Japan's Beauty Elixir: Sake
In your quest for glowing skin, you keep looking for new ingredients and beauty treatments that can give you the desired results. Meanwhile, the beauty industry is constantly tracing back the poten...
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